Want to get better at developing applications using Blitz, but don't know where to start? You've come to the right spot.
This document is inspired by the Frontend Developer Roadmap. It curates material on concepts & ideas, tools & libraries and history & trivia useful to become better at building applications. It is tailored to Blitz, but most will happily apply elsewhere.
Links marked with 🥷 are advanced. If you're dipping your toes into web development, it's totally OK to skip them.
Automated tests are a great way of verifying that your application works - and who doesn't want working software?
As your application grows bigger, some structure may be neccessary. There's a million ways on how to structure your project, here's some good guidance:
Building software is highly communicative and rarely a solo effort. Working in a team requires soft skills.
Building a product is more than building an application. Finding the right business model, evaluating ideas, getting valuable feedback, building a customer base - all of this is very different from building software. If you're building a product (there's a fair share of entrepreneurs amongst Blitz users!), this is for you: